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Wtorek, 11 marca 2025
Ziemia więcej mówi nam o nas niż wszystkie książki./Antoine de Saint-Exupery/
Strzelno, Poland - We have a very interesting story coming out of Eastern Europe today. One that is not all that easy to explain away. Back on March 11, 2017, Marcin Sobczak in Strzelno, Poland, captured some amazing UFO footage over the small community in eastern Europe . He thought we might find it interesting here on UFO Planet TV and he was right. Marcin reports that Polish UFO researchers have told him, "they are almost sure this is some kind of UFO." The object was described as "motionless, floating still in one place." Marcin never mentioned if he could hear anything, we were not able to in the video either, except for a little bit of cussing in the background. I am going to be quiet and let you listen in. If you look closely, it appears the flashing of the lights is in a pattern. No one on our news teams has any knowledge of morse code, but we wondered if the flashing was some sort of code. Is certainly looks that way. A very interesting UFO sighting. UFO researchers in Poland believe this object may be the real deal. It will be interesting to see what kind of analysis we get from western UFO researchers.
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